18.Are there any limitations or potential drawbacks to relying solely on hypoxia glycolysis for breast cancer detection?


First of all, it should be noted that CDP is not used for breast cancer detection. The system’s function and role is to find cancerous cells remaining in the cavity side margins. It means it can be used for breast cancer patients (or patients with preneoplastic cells in the CNB sample, such as ADH) who are diagnosed with CNB in preclinical evaluations. Invasive cancer cells of the tumor margin can escape from the tumor edges and make clustered scattered tumoral cells or satellite lesions in the peripheral tissues. These clusters can’t be easily detected by the surgeon intraoperatively. On the other hand, they are not being evaluated by any conventional pathological method.

As you may know, ROS release is dominant in avascular stages (marginal cells) of cancerous tissue growth (with Hypoxia Glycolysis as their most abundant metabolism), while core cells of the tumor (vascular stage) go through acidosis. So, ROS level may be a distinctive indicator of cancerous cell presence in the margin.

We have examined CDP in several types of tumor margins such as inflammatory breast lesions, scars, necrotic breast tumors, etc. and we found that ROS level detection is a completely distinctive parameter to classify all breast tumor margins into normal and cancerous lesions.


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