Defibrillator/ Monitor

DC Shock Device

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Energy: 1-200 J
Waveform: Biphasic Truncated Exponential
Mode: Manual, Cardioversion, AED
Charging Time: Less than 6 Seconds

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Energy: 1-200 J
Waveform: Biphasic Truncated Exponential
Mode: Manual, Cardioversion, AED
Charging Time: Less than 6 Seconds

[/nz_tab][nz_tab title=”Noninvasive Pacinga “]

Waveform: Rectilinear, Constant Pulse
Current: 0 – 200 mA
Rate: 30 – 180 ppm
Refractory Period: 340 ms (30-80 ppm); 240 ms (90-180) ppm
Mode: Demand or Fixed Rate

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Waveform: ECG, Pleth, IBP (2 channels), CO2
Numerical Values: HR, PR, SpO2 %, Temp, IBP (2 channels), NIBP, EtCO2


DC Shock Device

This device, sometimes known as a defibrillator, is a device that shocks all the fibers at the same time by shocking the heart muscle, after which the fibers return to their normal process. Shock is performed by Dc shock device by a high-capacity capacitor to create a strong current with a power of 5 to 400 joules, and the energy stored by two metal pieces or the same electrodes is released in the patient’s chest. Most of these devices have a monitor that can always monitor the patient’s currents and sometimes use them as accessories for pacemakers, pulse oximeters and sphygmomanometers. Dc shock device Based on the function it has in the body, they are divided into two categories: internal and external. The main difference between external and internal electroshock devices is that the external type is used outside the patient’s chest and the internal type is used during open heart surgery. With the advancement of technology, common models have been produced that automatically detect heart rhythms and explain to you what to do at each stage. These devices use disposable pedals and are mostly used in places where access to a doctor is not possible. It is good to know that hospital electroshock devices are mostly used in clinics or medical centers that have a specialist doctor in that center.

How the shock device works:

Electric shock devices discharge high voltage electrical energy at very short intervals This high voltage stimulates the heart cells, which allows the SA node to take over the heartbeat.

How to work with Dc shock device:

The first step is to turn on the device. The next step is to attach the electrodes to the patient’s chest so that you can see the heartbeat. The next step is the device Mode, which must be selected according to the existing conditions. The next step is to use conductive gels or pedals impregnated with normal saline to reduce skin resistance. The first point is not to use ultrasound gel and alcohol at all, because it will cause low burns and fire, the gels should not be extra and flow between the pedals. The next step is to choose the amount of energy. The next step is to charge the device. The next step is how to position the pedals, one on the right side of the sternum and the other in the fifth space between the gears. The next step is the amount of pressure on the pedal, which should be between ten and twelve kilograms in adults and five to seven kilograms in children. The next step is to cut off the oxygen flow when using an electric shock. The next step is to push the discharge button of the device to discharge electricity on the patient’s chest at the same time. Finally, monitoring should be observed each time the patient is shocked, and it is sufficient if the sinus rhythm, strong pulse, and blood pressure return to normal.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column offset=”vc_hidden-lg vc_hidden-md vc_hidden-sm vc_hidden-xs”][vc_column_text]The MEDTECH company was founded in accordance to the demand for modernization of hospital systems, and through extensive research by specialized personals and scientists has now become a medical equipment Company for smart hospital systems and modular smart hospital rooms . The products and systems of this collection are: : Modern Operating Room ØŒ OR Sliding Door ØŒ Laminar Air Flow ØŒ DC Shock Device ،   Hospital Information System ØŒ Nurse call System ØŒ  Hospital Intercom System ØŒ Hospital Building Design ØŒ Operating Room Surgical Light

Last sentence:

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